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Bukhara's ancient trading domes.

Uzbek Puppet Toy Dolls

$37.00 - $38.00  add to cart

One of a Kind!

Destination: Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Garbed in traditional ikat costume, these papier-mâché dolls, purchased under one of Bukhara’s old trading domes, are based on the puppets that used to provide popular entertainment in public squares across the country. And yes, that would be a unibrow gracing the face of our Uzbek lovelies; in Uzbekistan as in many places around the world, the unibrow is an attractive trait, signifying purity in women and virility in men.


The puppet show is an ancient form of entertainment that has been played out on stages across the Mediterranean and Middle East since around the 1st century BC. An important form of social critique, the durability ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

7.5" H

$37.00 - $38.00  add to cart
As Seen On
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