Ajooba Poster (1991)

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One of a Kind!

Only 1 available

Destination: Mumbai, India

Ajooba, an epic fantasy film that draws heavily from Arabian mythology, is the story of a prince denied his birthright by a wicked Vizier. Rescued from a shipwreck by a dolphin and subsequently brought up by a blacksmith, the young Ajooba rides around on a horse in a black Zoro mask protecting people from the Vizier and his henchmen, and it’s not long before he finds himself leading the forces of good against the forces of evil in an all-out war. Flying carpets, enchanted swords and “fauladi shaitans,” (giant demons made of stone), are involved. Bring popcorn.


What do you get when you pack an ill-fated love triangle, a conniving villain, multiple kidnappings, and a supernatural sidekick, all into three hours of non-stop song-and-dance? That would be a Bollywood film... Read More

Details and Dimensions

11.25" W, 15.5" H

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