Situated within the heart of Sa Pa Valley, Ta Phin is home to about 700 Red Dao, named for the elaborate redhead dresses worn by the women of this ancient hill tribe. The Dao began migrating to Vietnam during the...
Situated within the heart of Sa Pa Valley, Ta Phin is home to about 700 Red Dao, named for the elaborate redhead dresses worn by the women of this ancient hill tribe. The Dao began migrating to Vietnam during the 13th century, fleeing drought and famine in China, and eventually settled in the lush hills of Northern Vietnam.
Young Red Dao girls wear simple headscarfs before they’re wed, and the elaborate wedding headdress is an important part of the ceremony marking their passage from girl to woman and wife. A traditional Dao ceremony is also full of gifts. At an engagement celebration, the bride is given a pink-wrapped box with two chickens in a bamboo cage. On the day of the wedding, the groom’s family brings nuts, teas and sweets to his future in-laws house. The family then sweeps up the bride, brings her home and invites her to jump on three human-shaped paper cut-outs — the idea being that she will get rid of any bad misfortunes, by transferring them to the paper figures.
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