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Energy & Strength Moroccan Palm Bread Basket

$20.00 - $48.00
Sold Out!

One of a Kind!

Destination: Marrakech, Morocco

In Moroccan culture, you don't have to search hard to find symbolism. Even seemingly simple things have deep meanings. Dark red, for example, can mean strength. And a lighter shade, energy. We found both in this hand-woven Moroccan palm bread basket


Bread, or khobz, is sacred in Morocco. Throwing away even the smallest, stale morsel is unthinkable—and considered a sign of great disrespect. Instead, stale bread will always be passed on to someone who will have ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

Small: 9" diameter 
Large: 10" diameter

$20.00 - $48.00
Sold Out!
As Seen On
Sf_chronicle Houzz Cn_traveler Refinery29 Thrillist Afar

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