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Hand-carved Chouari Cedar Chest

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Marrakech, Morocco

Islam does not encourage the portrayal of human and animal forms, so tastir (geometric) and tawriq (floral) patterns figure highly in the design work of Morocco’s craftsmen. The arabesque geometric patterns of this hand-carved cedar chest are thought to represent eternity and the repeating eye motifs are included to warn of any evil spirits. Essentially, this is the perfect chest to safely store away all of your prized possessions!


The first thing you notice when you walk into the Souq Chouari (the Carpenter’s Souk in Marrakech) is the smell of cedar. Here, in dark ateliers, the maalems (master craftsmen) carve and chisel ancient Berber and... Read More

Details and Dimensions

18.5" L, 11" W, 11" H
Vintage Cedar 

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