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Jacinto’s 1965 Ex-Voto

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Oaxaca, Mexico

Shrines, churches, and sanctuaries throughout Mexico are adorned with the small oil paintings known as ex-votos. Typically painted on sheets of tin or copper, ex-votos are offered as testimony and thanks to a particular saint whose divine intervention saved the petitioner from sickness, death, or disaster—the story of which accompanies the painting.

Roughly translated, it reads: Upon returning to my house on the street of my work, there appeared two dead people that told me to take them to the graveyard, and I thank you, Virgin of the Lakes, that nothing happened to me. Jacinto. Mexico. 1965.   


The custom of ex-votos arrived in Mexico the same way the Catholic saints did—with the Spanish. Not too different from pre-existing indigenous practices of making offerings to the gods, ex-votos became popular firs... Read More

Details and Dimensions

4.7" x 6.3"

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