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Kościuszko's Mound Vintage Postcard

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One of a Kind!

Only 1 available

Destination: Krakow, Poland

If your ego ever gets the better of you, just compare yourself to Tadeusz Kosciuszko. History produces few men like him. Fueled by an uncompromising belief in freedom, he antagonized both Napoleon and Catherine the Great, he rallied the first Jewish military force since biblical times to fight for Polish independence and he consistently supported equality for everyone from Muslim Tatars to African-American slaves. In Poland he wins every popularity contest and is remembered as the greatest hero who ever walked the land. In commemoration of his life, the city of Krakow built Kościuszko's Mound in 1823.


The Facebook and Instagram of their day, postcards become a printing phenomenon in the early 1900s. Before they became the fridge-decoration they are today, they were a way to stay in touch with friends in far away ci... Read More

Details and Dimensions

3.5" Width x 5.5" Length.

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