Mr. & Mrs. 55 Poster (1955)

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Mumbai, India

Bollywood tackles women’s lib in this 1955 classic starring Mumtaz as a young heiress who stands to inherit a fortune if she gets married within a month of her 21st birthday, and Guru Dutt as a struggling cartoonist hired by Mumtaz’s feminist aunt (the formidable Lalita Pawar) as a kind of rent-a-husband, to be discarded as soon as the money comes through. The marriage of convenience soon becomes more, and—spoiler alert—what ensues isn’t exactly a victory for feminism.


What do you get when you pack an ill-fated love triangle, a conniving villain, multiple kidnappings, and a supernatural sidekick, all into three hours of non-stop song-and-dance? That would be a Bollywood film... Read More

Details and Dimensions

11.5" W, 15.75" H

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