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Meet the vendor!

Isabelle Valedian, pictured here showing us the proper way to wear a manta, was born in the town of Tupisa (department of Potosí), but has been in La Paz for almost 45 years.

Pampas Frazada

$200.00 WAS $320.00
Sold Out!

One of a Kind!

Destination: La Paz, Bolivia

We purchased this sunset-hued frazada from Isabelle Valedian. The pampas, or “plains,” make up a large part of the Bolivian landscape, and help explain why stripes are such a common theme for Bolivian textiles.


As you’ve probably noticed, stripes are a pretty common theme when it comes to Aymaran textiles. One of the theories behind the pattern’s popularity is the Bolivian landscape itself; while mountainous in some ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

Vintage, slight damage (small tear)
5.5 x 4.8 ft

$200.00 WAS $320.00
Sold Out!
As Seen On
Sf_chronicle Houzz Cn_traveler Refinery29 Thrillist Afar

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