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Silence Lurking at the Riverbank – Lookarna Print

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Krakow, Poland

Called the ‘Queen of Poland’s Rivers’, the Vistula is a place of legends. One of it most well-loved stories is that of Queen Wanda’s sacrifice. In the 15th century Wanda, the daughter of King Krak, became the leader of Poland. She was a beautiful and brave leader, devoted to her beloved country. When a German prince sent her a letter demanding her hand in marriage, and threatening war with Poland if she refused, she prayed to the gods that they would grant Poland freedom if she sacrificed her life. With her prayers granted, Wanda threw herself into the icy mountain water of the Vistula and made herself a martyr to the city she loved.


We bought this whimsical print from an artist called Lookarna, at her studio in Krakow’s Kazimierz district. 

Details and Dimensions

5.5" x 5.5".

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