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Vintage Nutan Sari

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One of a Kind!

Destination: Mumbai, India

It’s pretty common for Bollywood costume designers to prowl the Mumbai markets looking for exquisite vintage saris like this one, which we’ve named for one of the greatest actresses of the 1950s/60s era. The outrageous outfits you see in Bollywood films are often made from multiple of these garments, which the designers cut up and stitch together to produce their extravagant creations. The part of a sari that gets thrown over the shoulder is the “pallu,” while the gold thread of the brocade is called “zari.”


The use of zari in Indian textiles has a long tradition, which is believed to have started during the Mughal era. Originally made out of real gold and silver by wrapping a flattened strip of the precious metal around ... Read More

Details and Dimensions

188" L, 44" W

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