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Brass Surya Bowl

$35.00 - $40.00
Sold Out!

Destination: Mumbai, India

We think “Surya,” which means “sun” in Hindi, is the perfect moniker for this contemporary brass bowl, which shines like its namesake. Of course, Surya is also the name of the Hindi sun god, usually shown riding around in a chariot pulled by either seven horses, or one horse with seven heads (we guess it depends on his mood), symbolizing the seven chakras. If you’ve ever done any yoga, you probably remember “Surya Namaskara,” or “Sun Salutation,” which is a tribute to this fiery deity.    

Details and Dimensions

Small: 1.5" H, 4.5" D
Large: 2" H, 5.25" D

$35.00 - $40.00
Sold Out!
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